Hey, Honey I’m Home! – A Peek At Our New Air Bnb!

by Mia M.

Hello, beautiful people – let me take you on a long-ass, boring as hell journey with me. Thirteen hours on a flight to Singapore, sixteen hours on a layover in Singapore airport (a layover with ice-cream and the best chicken wings a girl could ask for, sure, but still sixteen bloody hours) and then another 8 hours to Gold Coast. It was long, it was boring – and it was suprisingly cold – but we finally made it to Australia!

(Also, apologies for not posting, but I mean look at that nonsense – there was no will to live, let alone write something somewhat coherent. I can’t even promise that this will be coherent and I’ve just had an over 12 hour sleep.)

Anyways, courtesy of the best Uber driver anyone could ask for, we have tons of things to do and take a look at over the next few weeks – and we got a free mini tour around the area we’re in too! However, as of our first day, we’re also jet-lagged to the point that remembering basic words is a challenge. So I’m going to share a mini tour of our Air Bnb with you (because it’s beautiful) and then I’m going right back to sleep.

I feel like nobody will appreciate the effort I had to go to just to make sure the damn audio was hearable (is that a word? I feel like that’s not a word).

Honestly, guys, this place is so beautiful – and it was so affordable. £380 each for 3 weeks next to the beach! (And look at these beach views!)


Sorry for the short update, but I’ve been busy soaking it all in (and also . . . sleeping. Jetlag is real.) I’m still massively behind on replying to blog comments, but I’m getting there guys! Okay, I hope you enjoyed this ‘lil apartment tour. Do you like this place? And can we talk about how beautiful the apartment is? Let me know your thoughts down below!


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About Mia M.

I'm going through a bit of an existential crisis right now, I'll tell you about myself when I figure out if I'm real or not.

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hey, i’m mia

tattoo lover, plant hoarder, DIY addict and overall stoner grandma

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