by Mia M.
Well, fuck. We’re in July.
Hello my friends! Not to sound like a broken record (because I have seen this phrase so many times on my reader and we’re only like 3 days in) but where is time going? Is there a whole in my floor it’s just kind of slipping away through? This year is going by almost obscenely quickly.
(That said . . . a new month brings me even closer to Australia, so who’s really complaining?)
Something I realised is that, with the entrance of July, we’ve moved past the halfway mark for the year! Somewhat terrifying, sure, but it gives us a good amount of the year to look back on. So the first part of this post is a flickthrough of my bullet journal from Jan-June – and then we’ll look at my July setup.
Watch this video for me babies, it’s only a few minutes and there’s a great song in the background!
If you’re a regular ’round these parts (and, y’know, you have eyes that managed to read the title), then you already know what’s coming next in today’s post . . .
If you’re wondering, “wow, does Mia only bullet journal for the consistent and easy to produce month-on-month content?” . . . absolutely.
Vintage Paper Sticker Backgrounds – £1.96
July is far more reserved than my previous months – mainly because I only decided to go to Australia last month and I need to save up until September. I’m aiming for £5k in savings and to reach that goal I need to save £1.6k a month for June, July and August.
My social life is taking some real hits – but my blog content has never been so organised. We’ve got posts scheduled until August, my friends.
As you can see, my goals for July are pretty minimal – I need to start planning Australia properly (because when I say that I literally decided a day before I booked the tickets, I am not kidding), get a few of the tattoos I want (depending on budget, anyway) and meet the girls I’m travelling with for a weekend to plan out some shit!
(And go partying. Hell, Aus is just going to be one long party, why not get a head start?)
Renaissance Paintings Washi Tape – £0.71 – £2.50 – Aliexpress
Collection Of 4 Designs Sticky Notes – Aliexpress – £1.89
The big benefit of being condemned to be boring all month is that your girl is going to have more time to dedicate to le blog. Okay, so maybe that was a bit of a lie – because I’m actually working more at physical work to save the extra money for Aus, but still. I can hope and dream.
To make sure this blog doesn’t suffer too much and I don’t end up posting once in the entire month, your girl has got her blogging schedule prepared and is writing and scheduling out these posts! Naturally, these can (and probably will) change, but here’s just a couple of things I have in the pipeline . . .
If you’ve got an eye for detail, you’ll already notice that I’ve switched the days for my July Bu-Jo Spread and Brand Spotlight around already. When I said these are subject to change, my friends, I meant it!
I do genuinely find it really useful to have an overview of my monthly content; it means I can dip in and out of writing posts as I go and I know what content/photographs I need to look out for. For example, if I know I’ve got a post about a summer OOTD coming up . . . well, I’ll remember to actually take OOTD photos. (Which we all know I am woefully bad at.)
Even better, if I’m having a bulk blogging day, I can sit down and look at the content coming up to take photos for it. If you remember, my How To Write Better Blog Posts: 10 Rules For Writing Engaging Blog Posts People Will Actually Read, Lil Homeware Haul, Mario Badescu Sprays Review and How To Get Out Of A Slump posts all had the same backdrop – all of those photos were taken at the same time, because I knew those posts were coming up.
Okay, my beautiful peoples . . . I think that’s about all that really needs to be said for this post! I hope you guys enjoyed a glimpse into my bullet journal spread for the month. Are you as obsessed with the vintage stickers as I am? Do you guys plan out your blog content in advance too? And what did you think of my Jan-June flickthrough? Let me know your thoughts down below!
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About Mia M.
I'm going through a bit of an existential crisis right now, I'll tell you about myself when I figure out if I'm real or not.
tattoo lover, plant hoarder, DIY addict and overall stoner grandma
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