by Mia M.
Hello beautiful people and welcome back to yet another stationery related post. I know, you’re all shocked. Stationery? Practically unheard of on this blog. As we approach the end of another month, I figured a bu-jo roundup would not go amiss.
Fair warning: much like my life (and this site) has been over the past month, my bullet journal for July is not at all cohesive and could best be described as a pile of eclectic shit chucked together. Although, in my defense . . . at least it’s been used? If I’m going to destroy the planet through my paper consumption, at least I’m getting the most out of it!
Before we get into the post, I’m going to shamelessly self-promote (and at least attempt to boost my wordcount… writer’s block has been hitting me hard recently). If you guys enjoy stationery/bullet-journal related posts . . . well, you’d be missing out if you weren’t following my Bullet Journalling board on Pinterest. Honestly, I’m trying to help you out by sharing it.
Most of these spreads were drawn up while I was at work, so they’re pretty (dare I say) minimal. As much as I wish I was dedicated to the cause enough, I’m hardly going to be hauling my washi tapes into the office. I can barely be bothered to get dressed on time, anything else is really pushing your luck.
(Pin that for me, babies!)
So for these babies all you need are your trusty highlighters and some good ole’ highlighters.
Let’s take a look at these spreads, then . . .
Throughout June and early July, there was a lot of not fun stuff happening in Mia world, so the first of my spreads is a “Blue Days” cheat sheet. Surprisingly, this spread actually worked really well (and has now already been photographed), so I’ll probably write up a post on how I beat the shit-day blues. (Reduce, reuse, recycle applies to content too, guys.)
You guys are already well aware that I am having to put on my “stop spending money recklessly you fucking idiot” cap. In fact, I already shared a post back in June about setting up my financial spreads in my bullet journal.
Long story short, I’m saving up to go on my student visa (which is almost offensively expensive, but what can you do?) so your girl has some hardcore savings goals. Whilst I was sitting at work and feeling productive, I planned out my budgeting so I could take a somewhat realistic look at what I’m spending/saving.
Somewhat related to the spread before . . . While I love crafts (and believe me, I do) they’re generally not the cheapest way to spend a weekend. To help me stagger out my content in a way that keeps fun stuff coming (and my bank from breaking), I made a content plan for the next month or so.
This whole budgeting thing honestly doesn’t suck as much when I’m journalling about it.
Last but (hopefully) not least – we’ve got our typical weekly spread!
It was a pretty normal week, mostly work and then a chilled (but fun) weekend. For the past few weekends, me and the other half have actually been getting the things we set out to do done? It’s an alien feeling, but also kind of brilliant. I managed to do some crafty bits done, so we shall have some DIYs going up on the blog soon!
Anyways, I can’t make any promises about my presence on the blog, mainly because life is kicking my arse at the moment. However – your girl is going to try! Anyways, enough about me – how was everyone’s July? Which of these spreads was your favourite? Let me know your thoughts down below!
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About Mia M.
I'm going through a bit of an existential crisis right now, I'll tell you about myself when I figure out if I'm real or not.
tattoo lover, plant hoarder, DIY addict and overall stoner grandma
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