My Houseplant Tour! (With Some Rare Plants!)

by Mia M.

Hello, lovers, and welcome back to my corner of the web! Sorry I’ve been a little absent recently; if you guys remember my DIY plant stand post, you may remember that I mentioned being in the middle of moving house. Well. As of this going live, we have moved! It is done!

Bangalow Palm

Needless to say, I’m ridiculously excited to share the new place with you. It’s a literal house with a big, beautiful garden. Daryl and I already have countless ideas for how to decorate and your girl has a bunch of DIYs planned. Stay tuned, friends, the next few months are going to be exciting!

But onto today: a long-awaited plant tour. Long awaited by me anyway – I’ve wanted to share my babies with you for ages. I’ve mentioned it very briefly that my 2021 side hustle is propagating and selling rare plants. (And, if you’re interested, I’ve got a big, thorough post planned about that coming up over the next week!)

In the midst of moving house, the biggest challenge to face my partner and I is our ridiculous plant collection. Also the fact neither of us drive. But mostly the plants.

To procrastinate dealing with that, I decided to show you all my beloved plant collection . . . as I pack them away for their new home!

Oh – if you like plants, make sure you take a read of my DIY Plant Stand post. 

But anyways: I won’t talk too much in this post because, really, the images do all the speaking for me! As always, I would love if you watched this post in Youtube format and subscribed to me over on there too.

Cordyline Fructiosa Kiwi

Dracaena Tricolour

Cordyline fruticosa Pink Diamond

Philodendron Pink Princess

Tradescantia tricolour

Philodendron Florida Ghost

Philodendron White Princess

Stromanthe Triostar

Philodendron Birkin

Those are some of my most photogenic plant babies! If you want to see all my plants (and some of the rare ones too!) make sure you have a watch of my Youtube video.

Of course, all these plant babies need a loving (and presentable) home . . . so I guess we’re going to have some more DIY plant pots coming up on the blog soon!

Alright my loves, this post was just a nice quick one! I hope you enjoyed peeking into my houseplant collection. Which was your favourite? Do we have any of the same plants? Let me know your thoughts down below!


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About Mia M.

I'm going through a bit of an existential crisis right now, I'll tell you about myself when I figure out if I'm real or not.

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hey, i’m mia

tattoo lover, plant hoarder, DIY addict and overall stoner grandma

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