OOTD ft. My *Beloved* Thrills Co Cords

by Mia M.

Hello, party people and welcome back! I know now is a weird time to be talking about clothes, what with hardly anyone seeing us in them . . . but here I am anyway! I’m actually quite excited for this post; getting somewhat back my roots. Did you guys know my first post on this little site was an outfit one? I used to love posting OOTD posts on here.

Now, admittedly, this was mostly because it gave me an excuse to spend a ridiculous amount on clothes.

After all, isn’t it a fashion blogger’s job to be kitted out?

Alas, I can hardly use that as an excuse anymore. I think my last OOTD post was all of . . . erm . . . Well, it’s been a while.

I’m glad we’re back with this one, though! Why? Because this is an outfit of favourites. Cord? Love. Guns’N’Roses? Adore. Comfy fits that look straight out of the 70s? Guys, it’s fine, you’ve already sold me – you don’t need to keep selling!

I love the sheer causalness of this outfit. Loose fit jeans and a comfy band tee? What more could a girl ask for?

These bad boys are from the Aussie brand Thrills and they fit like an absolute dream. If you’re in Aus, you can pick them up from Universal. Their quality is absolutely fabulous and the company has a great sustainability angle.

The colour is called “sunshine” and when I first saw them I was immediately thrown back to warmer days, laughing in the beer gardens and listening to music.


If you want to talk about full circle, would you guys believe I bought this tee back in 2017? I actually think it was my second post on this blog – OOTD: Watching Guns’N’Roses in Lisbon. It’s so funny – I’ve got back to short, light hair for the first time since then and my style is . . . still pretty punky. I’d like to think my picture editing is *somewhat* better though – get a load of these!

I have to admit, that’s one of my favourite things about having a blog. It’s a collection of memories and adventures and . . . well, sometimes of weird outfit choices. I honestly can’t help it, guys, I like like kind of odd stuff.

As much as I would love to be causing confused second-looks with my bright trousers, Melbourne is most definitely dipping into “too freezing to be fair” territory. This outfit was a fab fit a few weeks ago, but not so much anymore. I’m the passing the torch onto my friends in the northern hemisphere now.

On a completely unrelated note, I started a new Twitter because I got locked out of my old one. Follow me here and drop your handles below, because my timeline is looking mighty empty.

And I think here is as good a place as any to end this post! I hope you enjoyed this little OOTD – what’s your opinion on the cords? Would any of you guys try them out? And also let me know what you think about the fancy widgets with product suggestions. I think they’re rather cute! Let me know your thoughts down below!


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About Mia M.

I'm going through a bit of an existential crisis right now, I'll tell you about myself when I figure out if I'm real or not.

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hey, i’m mia

tattoo lover, plant hoarder, DIY addict and overall stoner grandma

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