by Mia M.
Hello, you sexy people – how is the world treating you all today? Oh, you’re all enjoying the sunny weather on your side of the globe? Well, ha – global warming, bitches, because so am I. Even though it’s supposed to be winter over here in Australia, it’s still sunny and I am-
Gravely concerned.
Anyhoo, let’s skip over the whole existential dread side of things and get onto the bandaid fix: pretty stationery! Yes, yes children – settle in because it’s time for another episode of . . . well, of me sharing photographs of my planner with you in the hope it brings you all a brief moment of happiness in this dark, disturbingly warm world.
Although, bonus points because this month’s pre-actually-getting-into-the-month-set-up could actually be helpful for you gorgeous people too! (I’m actually also quite proud of one of them because I utilised my doodling skills for the first time in . . . well, let’s not talk about that.)
(Pin this for me, hunnies!)
Leaf print washi tape – Etsy – £1.95
Pink Floral Stickers – Aliexpress – £0.51
Pink Floral Stickers – Aliexpress – £0.51
Gold Washi Tape – Aliexpress – £0.81
Now, I’m going to get into all the details on the why in another post, but July is very much the month for sorting out my savings. Long story short, I’m going to be going onto a student visa in September – and that shit costs money. As in, far more money than I currently have.
In an effort to get myself out of the crippling depression of money-induced stress, I decided to just organise the shit out of it. A roadmap of “how I have to get my ass in gear”, if you will. And that brings us to the first of our spreads: my savings tracker.
My initial idea for my tracker was a literal roadmap, but this spread is actually going to be stuck on my wall near where my desk space is set up, so I wanted it to be . . . more me. I opted to keep the growth/journey vibe, but instead of a roadmap I decided on a growing vine. I’m going to go into this spread in more detail in another post, so I’ll keep it short for now!
Next up is a spread that felt like a natural fit next to the first one – and that’s ways to make money (on top of having a job). For me, it was just helpful to jot down some ideas and things to start looking into. Freelancing, in particular, is something I’m going to be seriously investigating over the next months. If anyone has any tips on getting started with that, please throw them my way!
My third and final pre-June bullet journal spread is also geared at the cash money, but more from a blog perspective. Basically, to make sure I can really reap the benefits of seasonal content, I have realised that I should really get my ass in gear and actually plan it. So if I start happening to place Christmas puns in my writing, you know where that’s coming from.
Now, as it is not actually July yet, I haven’t started with my weekly spreads or anything like that – but my main goal is to go into July with a focus on getting my bank account up, so I think these are useful spreads! If you enjoyed this blog post, a. thank you, thank you very much. And b. make sure you’re following my Bullet Journal board on Pinterest!
Do you guys have any set goals for July? Are you working on any themes for the month? Which of these spreads was your favourite – and do you think that you’re going to try utilising any of them yourselves? Let me know your thoughts down below!
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About Mia M.
I'm going through a bit of an existential crisis right now, I'll tell you about myself when I figure out if I'm real or not.
tattoo lover, plant hoarder, DIY addict and overall stoner grandma
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