6 Hair-Brushing Mistakes You May Be Making

by Mia M.

Collaborative post with Kate Faris – Brushing your hair is just a regular task you do every day from early childhood. However, are you sure that you are doing it right? Millions of women worldwide brush their hair incorrectly, making it more tangled, damaging it, or tearing it out. If you are wondering whether you belong to this group or not – keep reading.

In this article, you will find a list of 6 hair-brushing mistakes you may be making, including using the wrong brush, brushing only the ends, brushing wet hair, brushing downwards, not brushing your hair before the shower, and many more. Read on, make sure to avoid these mistakes, and care for your hair well.

Using the Wrong Brush

The right brush is an extremely important item for having healthy hair. You need to choose the right brush size based on the amount of hair you have. If you have long hair, your brush should be bigger than if you have short hair. For thick hair, you should use a large-headed brush, and for thin hair, a small-headed brush.

This mistake may cause breakage and tangling, especially if you have a thinner hair type. Additionally, you may also damage healthy hair by using brushes with too hard or rough bristles. It is best to use brushes with natural or soft bristles – they will make your brushing experience safe and pleasant. You should also use brushes that have wide, soft, and flexible bristles because they will untangle your hair without causing any damage.

Brushing Only the Ends

A common mistake women make is brushing only the ends of their hair – particularly if they have long locks. It is true that this way, you avoid tangles at the roots, but there is one problem: you are not brushing your entire hair. As a result, there will be no stimulation for the growth of new hair follicles, and your hair will likely be damaged due to decreased blood flow. And to rescue your hair, you will need a pair of Matsui scissors to get rid of split ends and freshen up your locks. 

If your hair is long, then it makes sense to organize time for proper brushing from the bottom up, so you can reach the roots and stimulate the growth of new follicles. Remember that you do not need to brush your hair after every shower or bath to avoid tangles – this may lead to damaging your hair due to excessive pulling and tugging. You should brush your hair every day for 10-15 minutes in order to stimulate the growth of new follicles. This way, you will keep your hair healthy and strong, which means less breakage and fewer split ends.

Brushing Your Hair While It Is Wet

There are two sides to this coin: some people suggest that you should brush wet hair, while others recommend brushing only dry hair. In fact, brushing wet hair is recommended by most experts for several reasons. Firstly, it prevents tangles before they happen; secondly, brushing wet hair stimulates the scalp; thirdly, it helps distribute styling products evenly in your strands; lastly, it improves blood circulation in your scalp. However, keep in mind that brushing wet hair may lead to damaging your strands. 

There are a few solutions for this problem: 

  • use a wide-toothed comb instead of a regular brush
  • use a detangling spray
  • start from the bottom up
  • use a gentle brush with natural bristles
  • use a silicone brush (this one has a multitude of benefits). 

All these methods will help you minimize the damage done to your strands during brushing.


Brushing Downwards

Many people are used to brushing their hair downwards when they are trying to untangle it – however, this is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to caring for your hair. Brushing downwards causes damage to your strands- particularly if you have long hair – as you are tugging on your roots.

Furthermore, this method of brushing produces tangles and splits in your strands due to yanking on them. Instead of doing this, you should brush your hair upwards towards the top of your head so that you do not pull on your roots or cause excess tugging on your strands. You should also brush each section of your hair before moving on to another part just in case you missed some knots while untangling them before moving on to another section.

Not Brushing Your Hair Before Showering

You should brush your hair before showering because it eliminates tangles and knots that might otherwise remain after washing them off with shampoo and conditioner. You do not want to end up with a very tangled mess on your head after showering – all it takes is a few minutes of brushing before washing your strands to eliminate these problems before they appear! 

Brushing Your Hair Too Often

Over-brushing can cause problems similar to under-brushing – for example, if you over-brush daily without a break for months or years, you will have split ends in your strands, which is not exactly good for your hair. In addition to that, over-brushing without a break can also cause breakage in your hair due to the constant pulling and tugging on your strands. Obviously, this situation is not something you want. 


Brushing your hair is a very common everyday task that you probably learned to do in your early childhood. However, there are many mistakes that can be made during this process, which may cause damage and breakage in your strands. In order to prevent these problems, make sure to brush your hair correctly and follow the tips provided in this article.

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About Mia M.

I'm going through a bit of an existential crisis right now, I'll tell you about myself when I figure out if I'm real or not.

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