by Mia M.
(That image is the positioning idea I have for a word or two)
There is no shortage in my brain of tattoo ideas. There is a noticeable shortage of other things such as intelligence, logical decision making and time-keeping skills - but the important stuff is up there.
Hello, you stunning creature, you.
Today's post is a wonderful addition to my tattoo wishlist - I know; you've been hanging on to the edge of your seat, eagerly anticipating my tattoo ideas.
Words, for me, have always been something beautiful. I'm an avid writer; an avid reader. Words are my paintbrush; my canvas. Language and text is a sacred thing for me - so it goes almost without saying that I want some special words tattooed on me.
I am a massive day-dreamer. I would argue that I spend half my life inside another life in my head doing all sorts of nonsensical shit. My dream afterlife (and partially what I think happens) is that we go into a dream-like state and our "heaven" is just whatever we dream up. I'm going to go on some wicked pirate adventures when I die.
Example: I Will Never Reach The Sophrosyne State Of Mind...
This word is one of my all-time favourites - and probably the first one that I'll get tattooed. For me, it's the perfect summary of my life and how I aspire to live it; I don't want anything other than a healthy state of mind, inner peace and to be living true to myself. All of my values - staying true to myself, enjoying everything in moderation (and it very much annoys one of my best friends that she can't get me to get blackout drunk, or go totally crazy) but to the point that I want to, and being happy - are represented within one word. And I want it.WORD OF THE DAY: Eunoia Is The Shortest English Word Containing All Five Main Vowel Graphemes. It Comes From The Greek Word Εὔνοια, Meaning "well Mind" Or "beautiful Thinking." It Is Also A Rarely Used Medical Term Referring To A State Of Normal Mental Health.
That's the goal!
Japanese Word 侘び寂び Wabi-sabi
The acceptance of imperfection and of good and bad as a whole is an incredibly important concept for me. I have a line-art tattoo already dedicated to that exact premise!
Strikhedonia has been my favourite word for a few years (cue all my Twitter names and a few old Instagram handles) because it means the pleasure of saying to hell with it . There is basically a fancy word... for fuck it. Which is my life motto. I am so in.
As bloggers and creators, I feel like all of us can relate to this word in some way. If you're a creative spirit, you put your heart and soul into your work; everything you create is a part of you.
Pronunciation | \el-'E-zhan\ (el-EE-sian As In Vision) #elysian, English, Adjective, Finally An Adjective, Origin: Greek, Elysian Fields, Perfect, Beautiful, Creative, Divine, Inspiration, Lovely, Peace, Words, Other-wordly, Otherwordly, Definitions, E, Personal Favorites,
Elysian is another word that my skin craves; I feel like elysian and orphic are two words that I want together. Both are beautiful and elusive - entrancing words that I want to describe my life. I want a beautiful and creative life. I want to be peaceful and inspired.
I aim to be orphic.
Part of me wants to wait until I find a reason to live and I discover my "purpose" and get this as an affirmation tattoo - but part of me wants to get this as a reminder that my reason for living and my purpose is just to live . To be happy, to find peace, to live the life that I want.
Anyone that knows me knows that I need one of these. I have little "hiding places" that I retreat to everywhere. Whenever I travel, I always end up finding a secluded little spot that I can just sit and rest in when I want a break from everyone else. A personal favourite of mine is always the rocks by the sea.
This word is absolutely beautiful. I want it as a reminder that my home and where I draw my strength from is a place inside me.
Another word that describes my mindset perfectly; I am (with important things in my life) a very picky person. Selective may be a better word - I am very careful with who and what I choose to let in to my life.
Well, if this doesn't describe me I don't know what does.
This woman... will be me.
As you can probably tell from these words, the things that I value in life are probably a lot more reserved than other people - I know they are compared to my friends! My aspirations are for creativity and happiness, calmness and serenity. I want to lead a small life of peace and comfort. Full of love, surrounded by family and just... enjoyable . Preferably with some sun in there!
I hope you enjoyed this post; what do you think of these words? Are there any words that you would get tattooed? Let me know your thoughts you gorgeous human beings! (Sidenote: I just wrote up and took OOTD pictures for an awards post ! That'll be up Sunday.)
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About Mia M.
I'm going through a bit of an existential crisis right now, I'll tell you about myself when I figure out if I'm real or not.
tattoo lover, plant hoarder, DIY addict and overall stoner grandma
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