by Mia M.
Have you seen those beautiful crystals with dried flowers in them floating around on Pinterest and wanted some of your own? Or seen DIY crystals and wondered how to make them? Fair enough! They’re beautiful – and surprisingly easy to recreate. Today, I’m going to sharing a fun tutorial on how to make resin crystals. Get your gloves on!
Hello, crafting friends – if you somehow missed both the title and that massive, Pinterest worthy image, today we’re going to be learning how to make our own DIY crystals out of resin. And once you’ve finished reading, you’ll hopefully go and get your eyes checked. (And Pin that image. I’ll win you over eventually.)
Anyways . . . let’s get this show on the road. You guys know I’m not great with things that take real skill, so this DIY is way easier than it looks.
These DIY crystals are easily one of the favourite things I’ve ever created. They’ve got so much gorgeous potential. Different coloured flowers, using them in crafts, creating a little altar space featuring them . . . hell, you could use them in my DIY crystal hair clips for a quirky twist!
If you’re a fan of crystals and plants (who isn’t, right?) make sure you have a watch of my crystal planter video below. I think you could make some stunning planters with these floral crystals.
But I’m getting ahead of myself! Before we look at how to use these stunners, let’s learn how to make them!
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And that, my dear friends, is it!
Instead of writing a long method for something that really took no time at all, I made a video. It’s 1 minute 14 seconds – have a watch! (But please don’t judge too harshly . . . this is a very old video!)
I’m really excited to experiment more with these; there’s so much resin left over (and I’ve already made like 4 rounds of these and similar things. I have some awesome bookmarks to show you) and the moulds are reusable. One thing I did try was adding glitter to a batch and that looked awesome. There’s a lot of potential for this craft . . . we shall see what I try next.
(To create a sacrificial altar, that’s what I’m going to try next. Fight me on it.)
And with that, we conclude this post! What did you guys think of this DIY? Do you like crystals – would you try create this yourself? Did you like the video? Let me know your thoughts down below!
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About Mia M.
I'm going through a bit of an existential crisis right now, I'll tell you about myself when I figure out if I'm real or not.
tattoo lover, plant hoarder, DIY addict and overall stoner grandma
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